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Before you begin... (Admin02)
Before you begin... (Admin02)
Introduction to using the Inspired Pharma Academy Takes just 2 minutes but may save you a lot of time later!
Data Integrity Taster Course - free to try (TasterDI)
Data Integrity Taster Course - free to try (TasterDI)
This is a Taster course designed to showcase our full 20-minute online course which enables a learner to gain an appreciation of the threats and issues posed by paper-based and electronic systems and how to comply with regulatory...
GDP Taster Course - free to try (TasterGDP)
GDP Taster Course - free to try (TasterGDP)
Introduction: This on-line GDP training course is designed to provide people new to the pharmaceutical industry on the main requirements of GDP. It can also be used as part of on-going refresher training for people with experience of working to...
GMP Refresher/ Induction/ Compliance Taster - free to try (TasterGMP)
GMP Refresher/ Induction/ Compliance Taster - free to try (TasterGMP)
This taster course is designed to give you a feel for the learning style in the full course. The content is a small subset of the main content. Full Course Details: This on-line GMP training course is designed to provide people new to the...
Pharma QMS Taster course - free to try (TasterPQME)
Pharma QMS Taster course - free to try (TasterPQME)
A selection of a few early Chapters from the course to give you a flavour of the style of learning
QP QMS Taster course - free to try (TasterQPQMS)
QP QMS Taster course - free to try (TasterQPQMS)
A selection of a few early Chapters from the course to give you a flavour of the style of learning

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